The organisation said scammers use false information and deception to convince victims to pay a financial price to receive help and make them believe they represent a political organisation. It Noted that political organisations do not advertise or solicit donations from these sites and programs.
"Scammers seek to deceive people by tricking victims into thinking they are entitled to free donations or sponsorships from reputable organisations they claim to be responsible for, or by using the name and services of a legal entity that provides support, and that additional procedures must be completed if certain fees are paid by wire transfer or a connection fee is paid," he said.
Saudi Bank Media and Information Group Secretary Rabat Shemesh said the group asked not to-respond to any group that asks for donations, fees or charges for certain services.
He said the committee was aware that such scams were on the rise and always advised against transferring money to parties claiming to pay bills or services. “You can benefit from the ‘Sadad’ system, which is available inall applications of the Saudi Arabian Bank andExchange and is a guarantee for all payments. Incases of fraud, the bank should be notified immediately and appropriate repayment should be considered ,” he said.
Rima Al-Qahtani, head of the fraud control department at the Arab National Bank, said there is no office to pay the fee, add beneficiaries, add invoices or payments. The number of people who lost their jobs in exchange for grants increased to10 in 2019.
In addition to raising awareness of financial fraud, the campaign also reminds the public to be careful and alert against people who commit fraud. It is suitable for financial aid and legal entities.